1. The appearance of truth; the quality of seeming to be true.
2. Something that has the appearance of being true or real.
In an attempt to create verisimilitude, in addition to the usual vulgarities, the dialogue is full of street slang.
-- Wilborn Hampton, "Sugar Down Billie Hoak': An Unexpected Spot to Find a Father", New York Times
For those plays, Ms. Smith interviewed hundreds of people of different races and ages, somehow managing to internalize their expressions, anger and quirks enough to be able to portray them with astonishing verisimilitude.
-- Sarah Boxer, "An Experiment in Artistic Democracy", New York Times
The old man's massive forehead, penetrating eyes and enormous beard lent verisimilitude to this unappealing portrait.
-- "Charm itself", Economist
Verisimilitude comes from Latin verisimilitudo, from verisimilis, from verus, "true" + similis, "like, resembling, similar." The adjective form is verisimilar.

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