1. Authentic; genuine.
2. Good of its kind; first-class.
He talks like the quintessential pukka Englishman and quotes Chesterton and Kipling by the yard and yet he has chosen to live most of his adult life abroad.
-- Lynn Barber, "Bell book . . . and then what?", The Observer, August 27, 2000
If he does not have a house, the government gives him a pukka residence, not a . . . shack on the pavement but a solid construction.
-- Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Pukka comes from Hindi pakka, "cooked, ripe," from Sanskrit pakva-, from pacati, "he cooks."
pu·ca [poo-kuh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
(in folklore) an Irish spirit, mischievous but not malevolent, corresponding to the English Puck.
Also, pooka.
[Origin: < Ir pĂșca; see Puck]

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